Saturday, February 18, 2012

week before we head to Hawaii

so i have decided to start blogging again, i want to share our 25th wedding anniversary trip to Hawaii, so i thought I'd start the week before we go, it is 9 days tell we go, we leave on the 28th of Feb.

Gordon left yesterday on a trip to Germany and he is due home on Sat the 25th, i sure hope they do not break and he makes it home in time to go, i will be so disappointed if he is not here to take me, but that's not going to happen.

so i have been packing in my head for over a month, i keep thinking about everything i want to take with me, we will only be gone 8 days but as all woman know, you need extra outfits for just in

i have been waiting for so long to go and i can't believe i am really going, i keep thinking something bad is going to happen to stop me from going, life has been pretty ruff lately and i need a fun vacation away with my love.

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