Sunday, February 19, 2012

9 days.....

Well it is down to just 9 days now, well 8 days and 1 night, since we head out before the sun comes up on the 28th...LOL i went to work today but because my back still hurts pretty bad i left early, I'm thinking that i might need to stay home tomorrow if i am not any better, i cant take the chance that i will not be better by the 28th.

I have been shopping like crazy, you know i need new clothes for our trip..hehe so yesterday i bought a new pair of pants and today i went to wear them (gotta break them in) lol and when i went to zip them up i notice the zipper was broken, nothing worse then finding out that you bought broken jeans, well maybe except if i had found it out when i was in Hawaii, that would of really made me mad! anyway i was able to take them back today but of course they didn't have anymore in my size for the price i paid and had to buy a different pair that cost a little more, isn't that just my

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