Monday, February 27, 2012

12 hour's to go...

Well here we are just 12 hour's until we head to the airport to fly to Hawaii, i still can't believe we are really going to go, it has been a dream of mine for so long and i guess i just never really thought I'd really be going, i have been shopping for new clothes to take for about two weeks thought i had everything i wanted & needed but today i had to run out for a light sweater to take just in case it gets chilly at night, Gordon keeps telling me i don't need to bring anything but shorts, & bathing suit, but i want to bring the just in case i get cold
i don't know how much of this blog i will do while we are there, i know i will post mostly on FB so check mine out if you want, I'm sure i will take a million and one pictures too, so i will want to share them on here when we get home.

Friday, February 24, 2012

minor set back..:o(

Well today started off not so good, and just seemed to stay that way, i woke up about an hour before my alarm but was so tired that i just lay there and of course right before my alarm went off i feel back into a deep sleep so when it did go off it scared the crap out of
Things just kept going wrong, i couldn't find my pants for work, they gave me about 8 tops but only 2 pair of pants so i wear them two times in a row before i wash them, i knew i had washed them and put them in my closet but i swear someone hid them from me...LOL
Then after all that, pack my lunch, sat for a few and check FB message from my hubby only to find out that he was not on his way home from Germany that they had been pushed back 24 hours, which means he will not be home until Sunday or Monday night now and we are suppose to leave early on Tuesday morning for Hawaii, so needless to say i cried. Then I left for work a few min early only to hit heavy traffic, so i was almost last for work, as most of you know, i hate being late for anything, even that damn job...LOL i kept busy pretty much the whole day so it went by pretty quick, except the last hour, for some reason the last darn hour slows down ...LOL On the way home i swear everyone in the inland empire was on the 60/215 freeway at the same time i was, it normally takes about 30 from work to home but today was over an hour, and EVERYONE was driving like they never drove before...if you were on that freeway between 4 & 5 pm tonight i might have cut you off...LOL
When i finely made it home i had to pee so bad that i almost didn't make it to the bathroom, but i did...haha Well this day if over and i am going to head to bed, i only have to work one more day then I'm off for a whole month! so excited to spend a whole week in Hawaii with the love of my life, my best friend, my husband.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I thought I'd share a few photo's of way back when.....LOL

Gordon on the morning of our wedding day....

Me, the morning of our wedding day....

1 WEEK TO GO........

In 1 week just 7 days we will be in Hawaii...yeah!

Last night i was looking at our wedding pictures, i can't believe it was 25 years ago, i swear it went by like a blink of an eye, yet when i was looking at them it felt like yesterday too, (those of you who have been married awhile know what i am talking about) and in that time we raised three children, bought our first home, sold it and bought our home where we live now, bought a few cars, had a few pets, had more then enough loss of loved ones, spend many night apart (military job will do that) had a few argument's and even went without speaking to each other for a day or two, BUT with all the things in our married life we have NEVER stop loving each other, we are best friends and we choose to be with each other every day, i am very greatful to God for bringing us together.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

9 days.....

Well it is down to just 9 days now, well 8 days and 1 night, since we head out before the sun comes up on the 28th...LOL i went to work today but because my back still hurts pretty bad i left early, I'm thinking that i might need to stay home tomorrow if i am not any better, i cant take the chance that i will not be better by the 28th.

I have been shopping like crazy, you know i need new clothes for our trip..hehe so yesterday i bought a new pair of pants and today i went to wear them (gotta break them in) lol and when i went to zip them up i notice the zipper was broken, nothing worse then finding out that you bought broken jeans, well maybe except if i had found it out when i was in Hawaii, that would of really made me mad! anyway i was able to take them back today but of course they didn't have anymore in my size for the price i paid and had to buy a different pair that cost a little more, isn't that just my

Saturday, February 18, 2012

week before we head to Hawaii

so i have decided to start blogging again, i want to share our 25th wedding anniversary trip to Hawaii, so i thought I'd start the week before we go, it is 9 days tell we go, we leave on the 28th of Feb.

Gordon left yesterday on a trip to Germany and he is due home on Sat the 25th, i sure hope they do not break and he makes it home in time to go, i will be so disappointed if he is not here to take me, but that's not going to happen.

so i have been packing in my head for over a month, i keep thinking about everything i want to take with me, we will only be gone 8 days but as all woman know, you need extra outfits for just in

i have been waiting for so long to go and i can't believe i am really going, i keep thinking something bad is going to happen to stop me from going, life has been pretty ruff lately and i need a fun vacation away with my love.